Title Issues
Investigation of Title and Correction of Defects
Hamelburg Law attorneys are adept at reviewing title reports and determining whether the title is “clean” and can be transferred, an important part of due diligence in any real estate transaction. Our legal team includes the owner of a local real estate settlement company as well as attorneys with substantial title, real estate, and trusts and estates experience. In addition to representing purchasers and sellers of real estate, we also represent lenders and title companies.
Whether preparing a deed to transfer property, evaluating claims by lien holders in the acquisition process, or transferring property through probate or trust proceedings, the attorneys at Hamelburg Law confidently resolve any title issue presented.
"As a managing member of a family owned LLC, I have had the pleasure of working with Jamie Hamelburg in depth on several occasions regarding leases and deeds. In complicated matters, such as a title and deed language tangle Jamie solved for us, she knows how to get questions answered. In short, she has proven to be a terrific partner in the running of our small business."
Maureen Tobin
Tobin Berwyn LLC